Front garden with Butterfly Palms and what I believe to be a Golden Prince Aralia
Allamanda 'Yellow Bells'
Close up shot of flower bed
Canna Lily and Bougainvillea
Christmas Palm, Canna Lily, Plumeria Pudica, Croton and Bougainvillea
Allamanda 'Yellow Bells'
Close up shot of flower bed
Canna Lily and Bougainvillea
Christmas Palm, Canna Lily, Plumeria Pudica, Croton and Bougainvillea
Close up of Crape Myrtle
Petite Pink Oleander
Front Garden
A group of potted plants 'chillin' under a mature Butterfly Palm
Garden Bed with Elephant ear, white Pentas, purple False Eranthemum, Red Ginger, Powder Puff Lily, and Croton
Petite Pink Oleander
Front Garden
A group of potted plants 'chillin' under a mature Butterfly Palm
Garden Bed with Elephant ear, white Pentas, purple False Eranthemum, Red Ginger, Powder Puff Lily, and Croton
Puerto Rican Hat Palms grown from seed by my Mom
Rubber Tree
PR Hat Palms with ixoras planted in front
Alcalypha godseffiana, still very small
The north side of the garden with some tall Crape Myrtle and bushy Bougainvillea. A couple of Desert Rose plants, a petite Oleander, and a Crinium Lily were just recently added to the mix.
Rubber Tree
PR Hat Palms with ixoras planted in front
Alcalypha godseffiana, still very small
The north side of the garden with some tall Crape Myrtle and bushy Bougainvillea. A couple of Desert Rose plants, a petite Oleander, and a Crinium Lily were just recently added to the mix.
Hi Vix,
Thanks so much for visiting Hoe & Shovel and leaving your kind remarks.
I think it would be so wonderful to grow up on a tropical island and be surrounded by such wonderful plant life all year long! It must be a fabulous place to garden with so many wonderful choices. Many of the plants you have growing are also available in Florida and do quite well here too but your St. Kitts has to be more tropical than we are.
Keep up the good work... it looks like you have lots to take care of for only gardening a short time.
meems @Hoe&Shovel
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