Saturday, July 26, 2008

Garden Shots

Front garden with Butterfly Palms and what I believe to be a Golden Prince Aralia
Allamanda 'Yellow Bells'
Close up shot of flower bed
Canna Lily and Bougainvillea
Christmas Palm, Canna Lily, Plumeria Pudica, Croton and Bougainvillea
Close up of Crape Myrtle
Petite Pink Oleander
Front Garden
A group of potted plants 'chillin' under a mature Butterfly Palm
Garden Bed with Elephant ear, white Pentas, purple False Eranthemum, Red Ginger, Powder Puff Lily, and Croton

Puerto Rican Hat Palms grown from seed by my Mom
Rubber Tree
PR Hat Palms with ixoras planted in front
Alcalypha godseffiana, still very small
The north side of the garden with some tall Crape Myrtle and bushy Bougainvillea. A couple of Desert Rose plants, a petite Oleander, and a Crinium Lily were just recently added to the mix.

The eastern side of the garden
A small newly planted Caricature Plant
Firecracker plant
Firecracker plant close up
Sliver Buttonwood and Puerto Rican Hat Palms

Currently Reading

Although I haven't finished reading this wonderful second novel by the notable Jhumpa Lahiri, I will go ahead and say that this is one of my favorites that I have read this year. I am enjoying it so much, I can't hardly wait to go home from work to continue reading it, but then I dread reading it too often and unfortunately I'll come to the end. Sigh, what's a girl to do?!?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Garden Benches and Seating

I like the organic shape of this bench
Loving the privacy this affords
The lushness of the potted plants would draw me outside everyday
A bench in a totally unexpected color
What a great view
A cosy retreat from a hectic and stressful day
Nice idea
I like the idea that the vines have a place to wrap themselves around
A great rustic look, this is one of my favorites
A secluded nook
Thanks to all the websites for the photos

Garden Arches

I can guess that in the mind's eye of every gardener there is the image of what should be incorporated into a garden in order to achieve perfection. For some its creating perfect garden beds, to others it could be gathering a collection of as many variety of palms(enter your own favorite plant here)as possible. Occasionally in my post I will allow little glimpses of what I think will create a winning garden. As I have said before, a girl can dream can't she.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

OMG!!! Too Cute

This is one pretty puppy. Not mine, I spied it on pop sugar and just had to share.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Music Video

Now I know this has nothing to do with gardening or books but I just had to post this new Vid from Fonzworth Bentley called 'Everybody'...looks like fun times

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's Blooming

Red Ixora
Desert Rose

Yellow Ixora
African Blood (Powder puff) Lily
Ant on Flower
Caladium in bloom
Mother in Law's Tongue in bloom with a surprizingly heady fragrance
Plantation Lily

Garden Fountains and Ponds

A lovely garden path

I am not sure why I like this, there is something unique and still familiar about it.
A classic beauty
Nature's best
This one is just cheeky and fun
Ahhh, a quiet and secluded spot

This one has a very Zen and contempory look about it
Hmmm, it seems that I have a thing for frogs
This one is from one of my favorite furniture websites, A girl can dream, can't she!?!
Lovely stream
The garden pond of my dreams

I especially like the look of the foliage cascading down the sides

Another classic style

This is the inspiration for this post. I saw it on TOG of Coral Gardens Daily Blog.