Friday, December 26, 2008


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today in the Garden

My very slow growing Sago
Shadow and Kobe
What a long tongue you have there, Kobe!
New flower bed with Lantana, coleus, pentas & more...
Hopefully the bed will fill in nicely over the next few months
Such a cutie, that's his 'I need a belly rub' look. I know it well and its hard to resist.
Marley, my devoted watch dog

Unidentified plant, but I love it.

This bed is now a bit overgrown but fabulous nontheless.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Shadow & Marley

What I'm Reading

I have been meaning to blog about the novels that I've read over the summer, but I've been lazy, hey better late than never, so here goes....

I already mentioned 'The namesake' by Jhumpa Lahiri, which I absolutely loved and would recommend to anyone who struggle with feeling like they don't belong. My next read was 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaled Hosseini, I also enjoyed this one, although not quite as much as 'The Kite Runner' by the same author. I also read 'Peony in Love' by Lisa See. I was so very impressed by this author's novel, 'Snow Flower and the Secret Fan' that I did not hesitate in picking up her next novel, however it was not exactly my cup of tea. Next on my list was 'What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day' by Pearl Cleage, this was a touching and entertaining read.
Finally, I am currently reading 'The Grass is Singing' by Doris Lessing. I will let you know how this one goes, it has been pretty depressing so far.
P.S. My son is currently reading 'The story of King Arthur and His Knights'. There is nothing better than a classic.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Summer in NYC

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Edition

Here is the latest addition to my ever expanding family, 'Kobe'. His dad is a shih tzu, his mom a chihuahua, and he is pure joy. He loves to eat, sleep, and play with his older yard mates, Shadow and Marley.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Marley & Shadow

My "Kids" I have no clue how I was able to get the both of them to stand still long enough to take this photo
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Shadow is not camera shy, look at the great smile
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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Garden Shots

Front garden with Butterfly Palms and what I believe to be a Golden Prince Aralia
Allamanda 'Yellow Bells'
Close up shot of flower bed
Canna Lily and Bougainvillea
Christmas Palm, Canna Lily, Plumeria Pudica, Croton and Bougainvillea
Close up of Crape Myrtle
Petite Pink Oleander
Front Garden
A group of potted plants 'chillin' under a mature Butterfly Palm
Garden Bed with Elephant ear, white Pentas, purple False Eranthemum, Red Ginger, Powder Puff Lily, and Croton

Puerto Rican Hat Palms grown from seed by my Mom
Rubber Tree
PR Hat Palms with ixoras planted in front
Alcalypha godseffiana, still very small
The north side of the garden with some tall Crape Myrtle and bushy Bougainvillea. A couple of Desert Rose plants, a petite Oleander, and a Crinium Lily were just recently added to the mix.

The eastern side of the garden
A small newly planted Caricature Plant
Firecracker plant
Firecracker plant close up
Sliver Buttonwood and Puerto Rican Hat Palms

Currently Reading

Although I haven't finished reading this wonderful second novel by the notable Jhumpa Lahiri, I will go ahead and say that this is one of my favorites that I have read this year. I am enjoying it so much, I can't hardly wait to go home from work to continue reading it, but then I dread reading it too often and unfortunately I'll come to the end. Sigh, what's a girl to do?!?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Garden Benches and Seating

I like the organic shape of this bench
Loving the privacy this affords
The lushness of the potted plants would draw me outside everyday
A bench in a totally unexpected color
What a great view
A cosy retreat from a hectic and stressful day
Nice idea
I like the idea that the vines have a place to wrap themselves around
A great rustic look, this is one of my favorites
A secluded nook
Thanks to all the websites for the photos